Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

This year was a double-whammy Thanksgiving for us! We continued our tradition of celebrating at the Rubow's with the usual fabulous food and company, but this year we did it on the eve of Thanksgiving. On the day of Thanksgiving we had the Sinclair-Lees over and Christina cooked an awesome meal for all of us. Leftovers galore for the Harvett boys to enjoy in the days to come. Zack has graduated from his infant swing into the exersaucer and it is awesome to see him start using his hands to grab things and engage objects with his eyes. Aiden is chomping at the bit to start playing with his baby brother and at times we just have to hold him back.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Look at me!

Zack is almost 4 months old and it is wonderful to see his beautiful smile! What a cutie. This was the last quiet weekend before the holiday season starts. This week is Thanksgiving and we have a 20 lbs. turkey in our fridge waiting for Thursday! I will let you know how it turns out....

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Visiting friends

We spent the past 5 days in the Bay Area visiting friends and doing a little bit of work. Aiden had a great time, first playing with Josh, Marlie, Liam and Danni for two days and then spending time with Grant. Here's Grant and Aiden, busy on the laptop, just like Gus and Gavin! The matching shirts were a total coincidence.
Aiden is really sweet and gentle with Zack.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Halloween time!!!!!

We had a great time at Halloween this year. Aiden went bananas over his monkey suit and Zack tolerated being dressed like a chicken. Aiden really got into the spirit of Halloween when we joined the Rubows for trick-or-treating and collected a whole bucket of candy.
Zack also celebrated his 3 month birthday on the 30th and weighs a healthy 14.5 lbs (6.6kg)