Sunday, May 29, 2011

Zack's first day of school!

Friday marked the day when both Harvett Boys attended a full day of school for the first time. Zack started school for the very first time and Aiden went from half day to full day. They both did very well, so hopefully it continues that way next week. The photo below is from Aiden's "Green class" at school. All kids 4 or 5 years old. Aiden is in the front row in the middle.

We spent a quiet weekend at home. Grandma and Grandpa were visiting from Durban and the weather was cold and dreary. Fortunately there was a lot of sport to watch on TV :-). The kids had to play indoors most of the time, so we broke out some puzzles and other old toys that have not been played with in a while.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


One of the best things about living back in South Africa is that the Harvett boys get to spend a lot more time with their cousins than before. Last weekend the oldest cousins - Nicola & Jordan - watched the boys while the parents all went out for a memorable grown-up dinner. And currently the youngest of the cousins - Alexis (age 6 weeks) - visited last weekend too and Aiden got to hold her for the first time. The Steyn cousins are having a brand new house built, and the four boys have a great time getting very dirty on the building site.

Monday, May 2, 2011

No place like the Karoo!

Over Easter weekend we had the privilege of being able to take the Harvett Boys away to a real sheep farm in the middle of the Karoo somewhere between Williston and Carnavon. It was a low stress 6 hour drive to parts of our beautiful country that few people ever visit, but those who do absolutely love it. We did too. Our hosts were Kobus and Sanet van Wyk on their 12,000 hectare farm called Dagbreek (Day break).

The days were filled with quad bike riding, rubberducking, hiking through the veld, dirt bike riding and of course LOTS OF EATING. The Karoo is best known for the quality of their lamb as well as certain game. We were spoilt with Sanet's cooking 3 times per day. The night skies in the Karoo are spectacular allowing us to show Aiden and Zack some constellations that are not visible in the Northern hemisphere for the first time.

One day we drove 80km on dirt roads and through a couple of rivers (flowing due to recent heavy rain in the area) to the farm where our friend, Mandy, grew up. It was here that the boys were able to to meet some lambs close-up and explore the veld. We even encountered a few skeletons that probably belong to foxes, but we were convinced they were baby Velociraptors and T-Rex skeletons.

The Karoo people are wonderfully hospitable and we were even treated to a real Karoo house party that involved Kareoke, Snooker, a Treasure hunt and again lots and lots of food. On the last night we went porcupine hunting and succeeded in getting two fairly quickly. Porcupines are unwelcome visitors on most Karoo farms as they cause a lot of damage, so we were in fact, doing the farmer a favour.