We have reached two big milestones this past week. Zack started crawling on the 23rd and we are in full potty training mode with Aiden. We played at the park this morning and came home with dry underwear! Yeah! We are definitely not there entirely but things are looking up! Both Aiden and Zack are sporting bruises on their faces at the moment. Aiden ran into the glass door at the gym and Zack was standing between my legs, looking at Aiden playing at our little playtable when he fell forward, knocking his face against the edge of the table. I guess the first of many!
In the US Easter weekend is not a long weekend for most people, but there are some wonderful religious as well as secular traditions observed by Americans. As parents of young kids one tradition that we are particularly fond of is the Easter Egg Hunt! This year we went to Lembi Park & Aquatic Center in Folsom where there were litterally thousands of kids. We had a blast and Aiden had a very productive hunt. The rest of the weekend we are spending at home taking care of some garden projects, barbequeing and continuing the pursuit of potty-training Aiden. Oh - and dad is forcing everybody else to watch the Masters golf on TV!
Today was Aiden's first soccer class. He was the smallest and probably the youngest in the class of 8 kids, but he did great. He's very excited to have a "Coach" and responded well to the whistle blowing and instructions. He will be going once a week on Mondays now and it looks like he really enjoys it. [The short video clips below was my first ever attempt at uploading videos to YouTube and getting them embedded in a blog post] We were also very happy to hear that Aiden has been accepted into the Folsom Montessori pre-school that starts in September. Now we have 5 more months to get him potty trained...
Zack recently turned 8 months old and is starting to show signs that he wants to crawl. Hopefully by the next time we blog we can show him reach that next milestone. The photo of him was taken on his 8 month birthday.
This past weekend we spent with friends in San Jose. There were six kids between the ages of 8 months and 4 years, so needless to say - it was a crazy but fun weekend. In fact it was so busy we forgot to take any photos :-(