We went camping with friends at
Jenkinson Lake just outside Pollock Pines (45 minutes from home) this weekend. It was an exhausting experience with a one-year-old and a three-year-old, but worth it! The lake is beautiful and we had a really nice camp site. On Saturday we got to go out on Brian & Melissa Messer's boat - a real treat especially for Aiden. He learned his new favorite word "wipeout" - in reference to daddy's attempt at wakeboarding. I think this weekend was also the dirtiest either Aiden or Zack had ever been in their lives, what with playing in the dirt and no bath for two full days. We did take them both for a brief swim in the lake just to wash off the top layer of dirt. It was also the first time we used our new family tent and it worked out great. It even got rained on for about 45 minutes early Sunday morning... very unusual for August in California.