We had a fabulous Thanksgiving weekend. The Rubows prepared a feast and we were thankful to be able to spend the day with good friends. We did a little bit of shopping on Black Friday, which came down to me standing in line and the boys having a blast on the rides. Aiden has started to play educational computer games, and it is amazing to see what games are out there and how well Aiden can work the mouse-pad and navigate his way around. Zack will be 16 months old on Monday and his 8th tooth finally appeared.
We had the Rubows and the Messers over for a quiet dinner on Saturday evening. It gets dark so early these days that the kids had fun playing with flashlights. When it was time for the grown-ups to eat we put a movie on - you can see who is the biggest TV watcher between those kids! Well, that bliss only lasted about 5 minutes then Zack started making trouble but it was sweet while it lasted.
The boys love Manty, our Praying mantis. We now also have crickets for Manty's dinner, and I am not sure which provides more entertainment: looking at the crickets in their box or watching Manty eat them. We also had quite a shock this week when we found out Manty is a girl and we are expecting about 40 babies in the spring! Congratulations are in order!
Finally, the day filled with bats, spiders, ghosts and candy arrived. Aiden has been asking to go trick or treating for the past month, so great was the excitement when we all got dressed in our costumes and went to the Rubows for a fun filled evening. Aiden was a spider, Zack a monkey, Dad a Top Gun figher pilot and Mommy wore a bat shirt. Nate made his famous chilly and we had a feast at the Rubow house before we headed out into the night to go and collect as much candy as a 3-year old can carry.