Sunday, February 14, 2010

It feels like spring is in the air!

We had a gorgeous spring weekend and spent most of it outside We made the most of the the soft soil after all the rain we had, and planted beautiful flowering plants. We also dusted off the hot tub and played in the water on both days. It is really still too cold to swim, but the sunshine made us forget that! We played at the park, BBQ'd and hiked at Folsom Lake...just a perfect weekend. We also had two very tired boys on Sunday evening, which made for an early evening and happy parents. :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Growing boys.

The doctor is very happy with Zack's 18 month appointment. He weighs 22 lbs (10 kg) and is 33 inches (84 cm) tall, which makes him slightly smaller than Aiden at this age. But that is what to get when you are a picky eater!

Aiden is learning about Africa at preschool at the moment and they are learning to count to 10 in Swahili. His teacher mentioned on Friday that he is the only one in the class who can do that! Making us very proud parents! :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

18 months!

My little baby is 18 months already and I have to face the fact that he is no longer a baby! He is talking up a storm, are always on the move and love cars and jets. :) He is still a picky eater unlike his brother, but I discovered that I can get him to eat all kinds of veggies, when baked into muffins! We are going to his 18 month doctor's visit on Friday and will write again with all the stats.