We have not blogged for a while, so thought it is a good idea to catch up a little. The 2011 school year is coming to an end and there are several class concerts and award ceremonies to be attended. Both boys are happy in their respective schools, which is good - because next year they will both be going to the same schools as where they were this year. Zack has taken a liking to reading comic books just like his older brother. He can't read yet, but likes to have Aiden read for him or just looking at the pictures. Their latest favorite is Supa Strikas!
One evening we rescued a little bird that had fallen from it's nest. There is a new cousin, Elizabeth, who was born a few weeks ago. The boys believe that they are growing so fast because they eat all their breakfast cereal.
For as long weekend in early November we visited Kagga Kamma private game reserve about 1 hour north of Ceres in the "Koue Bokkeveld" area of the Western Cape. It is a stunningly beautiful place with the most amazing rock formations. Being out of season there were very few other people there and it felt like we had the whole place to ourselves. Aiden and Zack along with their two cousins Johan and Albert thoroughly enjoyed climbing the rocks and it is a small miracle that none of them got hurt. The weather was chilly but gorgeous to be out in nature. These are just a small sample of the photos that we took.