Zack is 2 months old already and went for his scheduled pediatrician visit this week, which included getting five shots. He yelled at the nurse, but was back to his old mellow self within 5 minutes. The doctor says the bump on his head is nothing to be conserned about as the X-ray and ultrasound both turned up normal. Over time the size of the bump will diminish and eventually disappear as Zack's skull grows and gets its normal shape. Zack's weight is now 12 pounds, 1 ounce and his length is 23.75 inches. Aiden has learned how to smile at the camera :-) or is that "grin"? Anyway, he thinks it is very cool. He loves drawing with chalk outside on the concrete and is helping dad mow the lawn nowadays using his very own little lawn mower (thanks Rubows!)
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