Sunday, May 29, 2011

Zack's first day of school!

Friday marked the day when both Harvett Boys attended a full day of school for the first time. Zack started school for the very first time and Aiden went from half day to full day. They both did very well, so hopefully it continues that way next week. The photo below is from Aiden's "Green class" at school. All kids 4 or 5 years old. Aiden is in the front row in the middle.

We spent a quiet weekend at home. Grandma and Grandpa were visiting from Durban and the weather was cold and dreary. Fortunately there was a lot of sport to watch on TV :-). The kids had to play indoors most of the time, so we broke out some puzzles and other old toys that have not been played with in a while.

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